The Inside the Outside collective are a diverse group of photographers that take inspiration for their name from John Muir’s words*; “I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”
We share an awareness that being in the landscape (and representing the landscape) is to simultaneously inhabit two worlds, the one before us and the one inside us. And when those two worlds collide and intermingle the result can often surprise.
Dealing as it does with the reality of what is before us, and also with the often unspoken ability to express something of our inner selves, photography is the perfect medium to explore our relationship with the land. And it also the perfect medium to mediate between those two simultaneous worlds of being there experiencing and the revelations that occur when we open ourselves to the creative possibilities of that liminal space.
It is our aim to explore these liminal spaces through our work, sharing ideas, discussing and deriving greater insight and inspiration by working together, exhibiting our work collectively and to run associated events, talks and workshops.
Inside the Outside’s core founding members are: Al Brydon, Joseph Wright, Rob Hudson and Stephen Segasby. Our initial seed of an idea for the collective was germinated at a group gathering over food and beverages at the Zetland Arms in South Kensington, London, on 16th April 2016.
In the meantime you can read more about what makes us tick here, contact us through the site here and follow us on social media for real time updates and interaction.
(*John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir.)