I began this work in 2010 as an exploration into a peaceful world I could escape to within the confines of London. Living in the capital can be isolating, where surrounded by people and an excess of information, can be an exhausting experience. A place to escape...
Water is at the heart of the Somerset Levels. Once sea, it has gradually become land through a succession of salt marsh, freshwater wetland and rich summer pasture. Human intervention has seen rivers diverted, bogs drained and an intricate network of ditches,...
My work Beyond the Pale explores a narrative around territory, land and belonging on the Anglo-Scottish border and beyond, and is inspired by me walking the length of this border during an artist’s residency in Northumberland in 2016. The 100-mile-long border...
Part 1: Short Stories of Loss and Hope I lost a number of friends during 2017/18, and – never having had to seriously consider mortality before – I found myself struggling to make sense of the tragedy of death. Perhaps inevitably I found...
Nestled deep within a residential area in the conurbation of Gateshead, hidden away behind locked gates, the site of Elgin School is a forgotten space. Accessible only through a series of fields and broken fencing, it is a site that has seemingly fallen out of...