Now inviting submissions for our new publication
Deadline for entries: Midnight 31st Dec 2020
We’d like to invite you to take part in our new photography publication themed on the right to roam. It is entirely free and you could receive a free copy of the publication of selected photographs if your work is selected. Everyone entering will receive 10% off the list price.
We welcome a broad interpretation of the theme and particularly welcome entries from diverse and under represented voices. It is not a competition, we will make a selection of work for publication based on how well it interprets the theme and how powerfully it speaks to others.
The Background
The lockdowns have taught us all the necessity of access to nature for our spiritual, mental and physical health. Yet in 92% of England and 80% of Wales and a very large proportion of Northern Ireland there’s a sense that any sort of immersion in nature, beyond the narrow barbed wired confines of the footpaths, is a criminal act. We are banned by law of trespass from setting foot on the vast majority of our greenspace including hundreds of thousands of acres of open space of woodland, meadows, rivers and their banks.
The 8% of land in England and 20% in Wales where we have had a right to roam since the year 2000 (NI didn’t enact even this legislation) is predominantly mountain, moorland and commons and some downland, heath, and coastlines. It is often geographically remote from the centres of population and thus creates both a post code lottery for those able to access it and accentuates economic inequalities by restricting access to those who can afford to travel or stay overnight.
We believe the right to roam is contingent upon both rights and responsibilities in combination. Thus our rights should not be at the expense of other’s rights to personal space, like homes and private gardens, agricultural activities that produce our food and that we should respect the ecology and beauty of the places we visit.
How might you interpret these themes? Tell us about your personal experiences, the difficulties you face and the benefits you derive. By all means tell us something unique, personal and in the best way you can communicate it through the photographic images. We’re more than open to new ideas, indeed we’d welcome them. This is the perfect brief for people with restricted access to greenspace.
Details of how to enter and our terms and conditions are below. Please read through them and get your camera out and explore your own ideas. For the first time we’ve made this accessible to people with only a smartphone and no access to photoshop etc, we’re making access accessible together.
Submission Form
Please ensure you read the terms and conditions below fully before submitting your entry
By clicking the submit button you accept the terms and conditions
If you have any issues uploadig your content please contact us (Link opens in a new page/tab)
Terms and Conditions for the Open Submission
About the Open Submission
- Its aim is to find inspiring photographic based imagery to create a tightly curated printed publication around a theme.
- The theme of the open submission is your interpretation of ‘Right to Roam’, set within the loose context of the landscape.
- It is free to enter. This will be funded through sales of the publication, not by you!
- It is not a competition.
- It is operated solely by the Inside the Outside collective.
- The Inside the Outside collective will choose and curate the final selection for publication. The selections are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
Selected Work
- Any work selected will form part of the curated publication.
- If your work is selected for inclusion you will receive 100% discount off the list price of the publication.
- Regardless, everyone who submits will receive 10% discount off the list price of the publication.
- These discounts do not apply to the postal costs and can only be used once per entrant.
Relevant Dates
- The submission is now open for entries
- The deadline for submission is at midnight on the 31st December 2020. Submissions will not be accepted once the deadline lapses.
- Pre-ordering and publication dates of the publication, along with details of the publication itself, will be shared in due course.
Submission Categories
- Up to 5 individual images based on the theme which are not necessarily related to one another.
- Between 5 – 7 images based on the theme which form part of a tightly sequenced set of related images.
- Between 200 – 500 words of text describing the work in the portfolio, including your interpretation of the theme.
- Open to anyone, from anywhere, at no cost.
The Submitted Work
- It must be based on a ‘photographic’ form; this can include using cameras, camera-less, phone cameras, scanners, etc.
- Digital and physical manipulation is allowable.
- Images can have been created during any timeframe up to the deadline, but we’d certainly be keen to see how you’ve responded to the lockdowns.
- Entries must be submitted digitally; hard copies cannot be accepted.
- High-resolution digital jpeg, as we require this for printing. Aim for a minimum of 4000 pixels along the images longest edge, if unsure send us the images without being downsized. Or if uploading from your phones camera, then the native format/size image is fine.
- Each entry must be accompanied with the following information: First name, surname, email address, entry category and image caption. Entries to the portfolio category must also include the required text.
- Submissions must be completed using the form below.
- Check your submission carefully before entering as you will not be able to make any changes once submitted.
- You may only submit once. At the point of submission to the ‘Portfolio’ category, you will be given the option for your work to also be considered for the ‘General’ category. As such if your portfolio is not selected, individual images may be.
- You will receive a confirmation receipt within 24 hours of your submission being received. If you don’t, please contact us.
Copyright and Usage
- Entrants must be the original submission content creator and solely hold the copyright.
- No third party may own or control any materials the submission contains, and the content must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
- It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that any necessary permissions are obtained before submission. On submitting, the entrant is confirming that they have done this and accept full responsibility for not doing so. The entrant is responsible for any claim made by a third party against the contents of their submission.
- The contents of the submission must not be licenced or disposed of any rights that will conflict with the Open Submission. For example, entered elsewhere, which if selected prevent use in this Open Submission.
- Entrants remain the copyright holder to any content submitted by themselves.
- Selected entrants agree to grant the Inside the Outside collective to a nonexclusive irrevocable licence to reproduce and publish for any purpose related to the open submission, only, in any medium, including print and digital, the content submitted. This includes, but is not restricted to; the publication itself, for use in press, external communications and on related websites.
- The Inside the Outside collective will not use selected content outside the scope of the open submission without express permission obtained beforehand from the appropriate entrant.
- After the featured entries have been selected all other submissions will be deleted.
- The Inside the Outside collective will try to ensure the entrants are credited on all mediums, but in the event of inadvertent omission of the credit, the entrant agrees that the Inside the Outside collective are not to be liable.
Data protection
- In entering the Open Submission, you agree to the Inside the Outside collective using your details to process your submission, only.
- By entering, you also agree that if selected for inclusion in the publication the Inside the Outside collective may share your details with any potential future sponsor for the purpose of publishing the details of included entrants (including the selected images and text), only.
- The Inside the Outside collective will never provide your data to any third party, except where indicated for the purposes above.
- Feel free to contact us if you have any questions through our social media channels.
- Any entry/selection in breach of the terms and conditions will be withdrawn.
- By clicking the submit button you accept the terms and conditions.