Through deep space, celestial bodies define a portion of the universe that hasn’t been mapped. A personal, imaginary cosmos, created without a camera or a darkroom. Beyond the observable universe…



Chromogenic paper is exposed to room light and processed conventionally. Using a variety of corrosive chemicals, the emulsion of the c-paper is then selectively stripped, revealing the layers of color it is comprised of. Integrating the chemical reactions of the c-paper with the gestures of painting, the results are unpredictable, echoing the state of the unknown. In some of the prints, crystals form as the corrosives dry, giving the surface uncommon depth and unexpected shimmer.

The process is of my own devising and is proprietary. I started carving into c-paper when I was left with a large roll of the new emulsion that I couldn’t print optically — the contrast had been reduced. I started playing with it, doing chemical experiments in my studio.

This is an ongoing series.

Images from the series are shown below (click to view image at full size / original format).


M. Apparition is an abstract/conceptual/experimental visual artist, exploring the rhythm of line and form in a proprietary process that is a hybrid of photography, drawing, and painting. A dyed-in-the-wool New Yorker, the artist studied at Fakulta Akademie Múzických Umění (FAMU), Prague, Czech Republic and the International Center of Photography, New York, NY. Prior to being smitten with light, the artist made welded steel, cast bronze, and cast glass sculpture. Work has been in numerous group exhibitions both nationally and internationally, most recently “Images From Science 3”, at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. This traveling exhibit is accompanied by a book-length catalogue published by RIT Press. The show is scheduled to be at The New York Hall of Science in the spring/summer2020, and Northern Illinois University, Olson Gallery later in 2020. Awards include a Juror Selection Award in “Images From Science 3”, 2019,  and Honorable Mention-Best Abstract in the Tokyo International Foto Awards, 2017. Images have been published in GUP Magazine, Musée Magazine, Vice, PDN and multiple online magazines, including Humble Arts Foundation and PetaPixel.

“a work of art …is always completed by the viewer and is never seen the same way by any two persons.” –David Smith
“Explanation is a killer of all wonderment” –Felix Barrett MBE, Punchdrunk


Instagram: @m.apparition



Unless otherwise stated, all words and images in this article are © M. Apparition
